The Ant Bully
华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros.[美国]
Playtone [美国]
DNA Productions Inc.[美国]
Legendary Pictures [美国]
华纳兄弟影片公司 Warner Bros.Pictures Co.[美国] .....(2006) (USA) (theatrical)
华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros.[阿根廷] .....(2006) (Argentina) (theatrical)华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros.[荷兰] .....(2006) (Netherlands) (theatrical) 剧情介绍
10岁小男孩卢卡斯最近正经历着人生“最”痛苦的事情,刚搬到陌生的新家,在学校没交到一个朋友,在家 里老被姐姐蒂凡妮取笑,父母又忙着计划结婚纪念日旅行完全忽略他,连一向最好的奶奶也光顾着为八卦杂志上讲的外星人入侵忧心忡忡,更糟糕的是,他还成了邻 居小霸王史蒂夫欺负的对象!
这是一部很有教育意义的电影,让观众有所触动,理解了动物是我们人类的朋友。 Plot Description
10-year-old boy Lucas has recently been experiencing life "most" painful, just moved to a remote new home, at school do not handed a friend of the old home has been teasing his sister Tiffany, and whose parents are busy planning to get married Day trip completely ignored him, and even grandma has always been the best for the goip magazines will also welcome the invasion of aliens in terms of anxiety, even worse, he also became the object of bullying neighbor Sundance Kid, Steve!
Serious military training all Lucas had to rage out of ant hill in the backyard of the body, he used water gun produced a great flood ant kingdom, the moment of the ants had their homes destroyed.Can be Lucas does not know is that he sees a "stupid little ants" are to have a full list of the kingdom, angry ants have a trial to discu also plans to let Lucas be learned.
If the g ant shaman out with the development of the magic potion, will Lucas into the size of ants, and put him back to the ant kingdom.In the Kingdom, was sentenced to hard labor as a small boy must learn how to survive in the insect world, but in and ants have gradually become friends, he has finally realized that the meaning of life, and decided to lend a helping hand the crisis of the insect world.
This is a very educational film, the audience has been touched, to understand the animals are our human friends.
几年前,一段儿童作家约翰·尼科尔笔下的蚂蚁王国奇遇记,吸引了好莱坞金字招牌汤姆·汉克斯还 在读幼稚园的儿子的目光,这一来可不得了,本来只是一个汉克斯爸爸的故事题材,却被敏锐的汉克斯瞬间找出了电影的潜质。于是,先是刚执导了动画片《天才小 子杰米》大受好评的约翰·A·戴维斯接下导筒,接着《极地特快》幕后三方合作公司合力聚集,新新3D动画随即杀到!
以蚂蚁为主人公的《流氓蚂蚁》,一边再现票房奇兵《小蚁雄兵》《虫虫危机》的昆虫风采,一边顺 便用嘻哈风格教育孩子们要爱护动物。有汉克斯监制的成功案例打底,有尼古拉斯·凯奇、朱莉娅·罗伯茨、梅莉尔·斯特里普等等璀璨夺目的大名悬挂作保,有聪 明可爱万能的动物释放亲情,虽然华纳公司发行动画还有几分稚嫩,但有公司去年暑期档《哈利波特与火焰杯》、《查理和巧克力工厂》等青少年题材的珠玉在先, 大打动画家庭牌的蚂蚁王国CG炸弹也是分量十足。
Hip-Hop Star bright insects style
A few years ago, a period described by children\\'s author, John ? Nicole ant kingdom Trek, attracting the flagship Hollywood ? Tom Hanks was still in kindergarten son\\'s eyes, this to be incredibly, had only a Hanks Dad\\'s story lines, but was keen to find out the movie moments Hanks potential.As a result, has just directed the first animated film, "Boy Genius Jimmy" Big acclaimed John ? A ? Davis took over the guide tube, followed by "The Polar Expre," behind the tripartite cooperation between companies to gather, the new new 3D animation then immediate concern!
With ants as the hero of the "rogue ants", while reproduction of box-office darling, "Antz" "A Bug\\'s Life" insects style, while the way to teach children with the hip-hop style to care for animals.There Hanks produced succe stories grounding, there is ? Nicolas Cage, Julia ? Roberts, Meryl Streep, and so bright daimyo ? hanging secured, there are intelligent animals that the release of universal affection lovely, although the Chinese Company News Release Animation also somewhat immature, but last summer the company profile, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and other gems prior juvenile subject matter, they played the animation of the ant family card kingdom CG The bombs were also the full weight.奥斯卡提名派大集合
人性化的小动物们早成了好莱坞动画片的吸金招牌,可爱搞笑、性格迥异,他们的玩意比人多了去 了。随手捏死的蚂蚁可以有制度齐全的王国,平常玩耍的青蛙可以是恐怖的猎食者,家里不起眼的草丛里却有着生死戏剧、永不停歇的“虫”生,虽然蚂蚁出马让人 瞬间联想到鼎立在前的《小蚁雄兵》,可加入了类似《亲爱的,我把孩子缩小了》的情节,大打无厘头亲情教育牌,总归有些特别。 经历了众望所归的《超人归来》的不温不火,冲向童话的《水中女妖》的无所适从,《流氓蚂蚁》作为华纳公司今夏出品的第三部大作,也不能光凭着自学成才的导 演约翰·A·戴维斯2001年获得的奥斯卡最佳动画片提名(《天才小子吉米》)稳如泰山。为了让观众一看蚂蚁们就亲切,奥斯卡提名的常客尼古拉斯·凯奇、梅莉尔·斯特里普、保罗·吉亚马提等等纷纷出马,一堆名头响当当的明星里还竟然有阔别
银幕两年多的一姐朱莉娅·罗伯茨的献“声”,这阵容恐怕比冲着奥斯卡 去的剧情片还强大呢!
Oscar nominations to send large collection of
Humanization of small animals as early as smoking has become Hollywood\\'s golden animated signs, cute funny, character, very different, and their gadgets more than people go.The ants can be readily Niesi complete system of the kingdom, usually playing the frog can be terrifying predators inconspicuous gra family drama it actually has a life and death, and never-ending "bug" Health, although the ants to run for people to instant Dingli former aociate of "Antz", can be added to a similar "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids," the plot, a major war does not make sense affection educational licenses, census drawn some of the special.Experienced a
highly-anticipated "Superman Returns" tepid, rushed fairy tale of "the water demon woman" and do not know what "rogue ants," as Warner this summer Chupin\\'s third masterpiece, it can not just relying on self-taught Directed by John ? A ? Davis, in 2001 received an Oscar for best animated film ( "Boy Genius Jimmy") as secure as ever.Order to allow viewers an intimate look at ants were on the Oscar nominated regulars ? Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep ? Paul ? Giamatti, and so have to run for, a pile of head with big star names also put as many as screen more than two years after an absence of a sister Julia Roberts ? Xian "sound", which team I am afraid to go more than directed at the Academy is also a strong feature film it!“IMAX巨幕电影——别惹蚂蚁”
IMAX 源自英文ImageMaximum(图像最大化),目前世界上最好的影像系统;最大的银幕(高六至八层楼高,直径有长达20-30米);最清晰的图像、最 高的精密度(像水晶般清晰);功率最强的放映设备以及最高级的六声道多喇叭音响系统;。IMAX在国外被誉为“电影的终极体验”。
"IMAX giant-screen films - The Ant Bully"
IMAX from English ImageMaximum (the image to maximize), currently the world\\'s best imaging systems; the largest screen (six to eight-storey high, diameter up to 20-30 m); the most clear image, the highest precision degrees (such as crystal-clear); power of the film\\'s strongest and most advanced 6-channel multi-speaker sound system;.IMAX in foreign countries known as the "ultimate movie experience." 精彩对白
Hova: Cro my heart, I\\'m not gonna eat you.霍瓦:从我胸口跨过去,我又不会吃了你。 Lucas Nickle: You\\'re supposed to cro your heart, not your butt.卢卡斯·尼科尔:你当然希望我不是从你屁股,而是从你胸口跨过去。
Plot Summary for
The Ant Bully (2006)
This is the story of a ten-year-old boy named Lucas Nickle, who has just moved to a new neighborhood, has no friends, and is the target for the local bully and his gang.His parents are leaving for a honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta, so they are too busy to attend to his problems.His sister is distracted by her cellular phone, and the grandmother is obseed with UFOs and aliens.Lucas is constantly being beat up by the obese yet intimidating neighborhood bully.Because he cannot fight back, he takes out his anger on an anthill in his front yard; He kicks it, stomps it, squirts it with his water gun, and floods it with a hose.This terrifies the ants, who call Lucas the Destroyer.One wizard ant, known as Zoc being a hopeful and adventurous type, is trying to solve this dilemma.He tries to devise a magic potion that he believes will solve all their problems.As the plan to shrink Lucas down to their size with a magic potion and forcing him to live like an ant within the colony--an astonishing new world opens up to him.Lucas learns, first-hand, the value of friendship and teamwork, ultimately leading the ants in an effort to save their colony from annihilation.And in the proce, Lucas obtains the things he wants most: friends, companionship, acceptance and the courage to stand up for himself.
Lucas Nickle\\'s the new kid in town and the local bully, Steve, makes sure he knows it.Lucas gets so fed up with being bullied, he takes out his frustration on ants in his backyard in hilarious ways, like squirting them with his garden hose or stamping on the ant hill.The ants are understandably fed up with this and Zoc the ant wizard uses a potion to shrink him down to ant size! Lucas is sentenced to hard labor in the ruins and learns to be more compaionate to ants.He becomes an ant friend, then must become an ant hero when Stan Beals, the local pest control guy, who\\'s an even bigger bully, comes to wipe out the entire colony.An "ants vs pest control" battle ensues and Zoc reluctantly accepts that Lucas may be the ants\\' only chance of survival.
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